Ascending Community of Light


Rena Marken

Rena is a student of life. With the passing of her mother when just a baby, she spent her early years coming to terms with grief and loss and knowing that she was somehow “different” than other kids who had both mother and father still living. As an only child, she kept her long, lonely days interesting with her imagination and all of the feelings and characters that came with it. After she realized that religious clergy were only closer to God because they spent more time in contemplation and obtained a degree in religious studies, she set upon creating her own connection with Source Energy. Rena constantly works on her inner self using the “woman in the mirror” analogy and has had the privilege of raising two adopted daughters and a son. Together, with her husband of over 30 years, they have allowed her the opportunity to go within herself, release past traumas and fears, and gain strength and clarity. She understands that what we put energy and focus into comes back to us and she is anxious to create a world where kindness, natural beauty, and truth reign supreme and where each person expresses the Divine Potential that permeates inside of them.

If you hear the Calling, then YOU are who we’re looking for!

If you hear the Calling, then YOU are who we’re looking for!

Cynthia Davis

Cynthia's first awakenings came at about 7 years old when she argued with the priest about worshipping God in her own way. In high school, she would find The Seth Material, and at 23, she became fascinated with Ramtha and other channelers. Her awakening continued as she delved headlong into the metaphysical readings and teachings of the Ascended Masters along with fellow awakening souls around her. She became a Waldorf (or Rudolf Steiner schools) teacher for the next 25 years, which would greatly accelerate her understanding of ancient civilizations, hidden symbols and meanings in holy texts, literature, history, architecture, music, art, archaeology, etc... She has been avidly engaged in all kinds of ancient wisdom teachings and uses a vast number of resources to expand her knowledge and understanding of the true nature of consciousness and reality in this 3D world. Cynthia is looking forward to the New Earth and living in a 5D world where all suffering, pain, trauma, lying, greed, and corruption is completely gone forever.

If you hear the Calling, then YOU are who we’re looking for!

Ascending Community of Light

Together Rena and Cynthia make a formidable duo. Instant friends since 1981, they have explored the nature of reality, manifestation, spirituality and all forms of metaphysics together. Soul sisters at heart, they launched a membership website in 2018 to encourage those seeking truth about themselves and our planet to have a safe space. In 2021 Rena and Cynthia decided to expand their vision and combine their 120 years of wisdom into profound, yet bite-sized teachings that allow those engaged to transform themselves, their lives, families, communities and their world. They embraced the new name, Ascending Community of Light, which better describes their mission to bring together people from around the world to envision and create a more peaceful, harmonious, and light-filled world.

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