Ascending Community of Light
Nov 23, 2020
Here is an update from James Gilliland ( about the current political situation in America. We thought our readers would enjoy reading James' perspective. (We added bold-faced print to emphasize his words in different places throughout the text.)
News letter notes from Saturday Show 11-21-2020
The mainstream media and social media are shoving down our throats mis- and dis-information followed by “fact checkers”. Despite their attempts to install Biden, he is not, and I repeat, NOT the president elect.
The votes- to this day- have not been fully counted or certified. Several key states cannot be certified due to extreme irregularities in the voting process.
Despite the feeds going across all social media and parroted by the main stream news, there has been extreme voter fraud and election tampering. Dominion electronic voting machines used in 30 states, deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide. Whether you’re a democrat or republican, one should find this extremely disturbing. Data Analysis finds 221,000 votes in Pennsylvania were switched from Trump to Biden, and 941,000 Trump votes deleted altogether by Dominion voting systems installed in the Clinton/Obama [terms] administration with democrats and their family members heavily invested in the systems.
A Biden slip revealed “We have the largest voter fraud system in place in America never before seen.” Adding to this, 100’s of thousands of non-certifiable votes were inserted after the polls closed - all for Biden with no other politician marked on the ballot. States where, when the polls closed, showed a considerable lead for Trump. A Philly mob boss agreed to flip on Biden. He will testify how they picked up 300,000 ballots, had several homes working around the clock filling them out, then delivered them to the polls, whereupon they were inserted again after the polls closed without any oversight by republicans.
Republicans were also thrown out of the polls of key states where other ballots were being Inserted - “counted”. Bill Gates also paid many Antifa and BLM members to count the ballots, inserted Biden ballots repeatedly at various polls, and many Trump ballots were found ditched in dumpsters or burned as filmed on YouTube.
Here is a little heads up.
Tampering with an election or ballots is a federal offense. Eric Coomer, Vice president of US Engineering with Dominion Voting Systems has strong ties to Antifa and BLM with a visceral hatred for Trump. He actually posted the Antifa manifesto to Trump. They want to destroy America, burn it down to create anarchy. They are Marxist, which is another word for communism. He stated, as others, in the politically weaponized agencies under the Obama administration, Trump will never be elected or reelected under their watch. Again the Dominion voting system is used in 30 states, and was installed in the Clinton and Obama administration, has software to change the vote adding to or deleting votes wherever necessary. The Dominion servers were seized, and revealed Trump winning 410 electoral college votes before the votes were changed. This reflects the rallies across America. Thousands attending Trump rallies, but only dozens for Biden - mostly staff and news crews.
Before you lose all hope in the Republic, President Trump 2 years ago was aware of all of this. He signed a Declaration of National Emergency to deal with interference of foreign governments or individuals with the election. All assets and properties will be blocked, “seized”. This includes the distribution of propaganda disinformation tampering with ballots or voting machines.
This is the cliff note version: Russia and China, and the CCP are heavily invested in the Bidens to the tune of 300 million. There is a warrant for Joe Biden by the Ukrainian Government. There are heavy investments into other politicians by foreign governments, CCP is pushing a socialist agenda. Attorney Lin Wood, Attorney made it very clear CNN, ABC, NBC, social media moguls and other news outlets, papers and magazines are also complicit in the distribution of propaganda, disinformation and censorship and will be held accountable. They have suppressed news concerning the destruction of laptops, and cell phones under subpoena, information on the (Anthony) Weiner and Hunter Biden laptops, and a host of other unlawful activities by extremely corrupt politicians. This evidence made seasoned officers who viewed them, now mostly deceased or “suicided”, get sick and cry. It was that vile and decadent. So vile I will not go there.
I would also follow the money: see who is funding Antifa, BLM, Open Borders, and a host of other groups active in the take down America agenda. Those within these organizations have been duped, are being used as dispensable ponds, and many are facing ten years+ after promises of no consequences for violence, rioting, and even attacks on police - mainly in democrat-run states and agencies. Deputizing the police made these attacks a federal offense.
Did you know if you contribute to BLM it goes to Biden? A man with a long history of racist comments ignored by the lame stream press. Let that sink in for a moment. Are you still on the plantation fighting for your enslavers? KKK were not republicans, they were democrats, Lincoln was a republican. The republicans throughout history sponsored freedom and equal rights for all races, champions of women’s rights, as well, with extreme resistance by democrats. Know your history and who has been lying to you.
One key player and funder of all of this is the name one cannot say on any news outlet without extreme censorship or consequences. It sounds like Gorge, the eye or Sorran. (George Soros) A Jewish Nazi sympathizer who brags his fondest memories were as a boy turning in his own (Jewish) people. He said his “greatest achievement will be the take down of America.” He also is heavily invested in the DNC.
Is it all coming together now? These narcissist global elite are not after Trump. They are after you! He just stands in their way, along with a group of white hats, “17” generals and other high level officials, that love America, the Constitution and Freedom.
Now as a Recap
There has been a monumental effort to take down America and everything for which it stands. Hostile foreign governments are involved and multi-billionaire global elitists, war and disease profiteers who believe in eugenics and want the majority of you dead. This is not conspiracy. It is playing out right before your eyes. Their goal is total dominion over every aspect of your life. In their own words, they want you to remain sick, stupid, and poor.
How does the COVID-19 fit into this? These viruses are not natural - they are engineered. They had the patents on this virus and the test kits years before the outbreak. They boasted, concerning the pandemic, like prophets years before they hit. Recently, in most democratic states, they have just mandated masks, lock downs, closed Thanksgiving and Christmas, weddings and funerals are limited: “Sorry Brother Bob, ya can’t come in.” They shut down most businesses, other than the giant chains stores like Walmart, in a last ditch effort to destroy the comeback of America. Over a virus that has been overblown, no worse than other flu strains where countries did not enforce masks and lock down, despite the double-speaking research-impaired fact checkers.
This is a plan that has been actively in force for over 50 years. It began with taking over the educational systems, pushing socialism without teaching real history. What happens when you take all the power and wealth, consolidate it into the hands of a few which history has proven creates genocidal dictators. They have been corrupting the political systems, dividing America, destroying the family unit and creating division with race, religions, cultures and genders.
There has been a monumental effort to demonize and censor Trump, conservatives and anyone that is awake. Those that took the red pill. There are socially-,engineered, critical thinking and research impaired people participating in their own enslavement and demise, thanks mainly to the main stream (MSM) and social media which are owned by the global elite. They are 94 - 96% against Trump, and twist everything to fit their false narrative. They also abhor any conservative platform that values the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and freedom.
What many of those who have been socially engineered do not realize is Trump, the White Hats, and the conservative platforms are all working to preserve their freedom (via the Constitution), until they wake up and see what is being done to them. They love America, despite the constant character assassinations by the mainstream and social media which are following to the tee the Marxist agenda: Accuse others of what you yourself have done or are doing. Who were the real Russian conspirators? Hint: Russian dossier funded by DNC, (HRC) and massive bribes by hostile foreign countries to the Biden's and other politicians.
There is a plan and it is multidimensional. The tyrants are not frequency specific to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. There are unseen negative influences that have manipulated the higher tiers of governments, religions and business institutions which are being removed. Their puppets are floundering. The Source itself, God, Creator, Great Spirit, whatever name you want to give it, has given its best for these times and they are awakening. This includes some powerful women that have no fear in calling out the darkness. There are legions of higher dimensional beings bringing their consciousness and energy to the party. No man/woman can stop the planetary liberation of Humanity and the Earth.
The action/reaction principle of Karma will be amplified and accelerated. “No rock shall be left unturned and all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops.” There will be chaos during the transition. Prepare for it spiritually and physically.
Make your own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection. See the omnipresent ‘Creator in all Creation and act accordingly.’ As Quan Yin is known for, wrathful compassion and tough love is the order of the day. This show is brought to you in love and truth by the Creator and company, the multidimensional servants of Creator, the Galactic Federation, Star Nations, 17, and all those who still believe in Freedom.
There is a greater plan, and they have it all. Nothing will remain hidden. The question is: where do you sit within this plan and how will you participate? Your denial and inaction with be directly proportionate to the amount of suffering and freedom in your future. Choose and act wisely.
If you want a free pass to all of this, know the Constitution. Stand tall in your own divinity. Many of the sheriffs are doing so refusing to enforce these draconian mandates honoring their oath to protect your constitutional rights. Get behind them and thank them.
Be well, Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas. Toast to the right to observe them and any other ceremony.
James Gilliland
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